if ((Window = (struct Window *)OpenWindow(&newWindow)) == NULL) exit(100L);
if (Window == 0)
CloseLibrary((struct Library *)GfxBase);
CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
SimpleRequest("Emulating a System Requester here|(ie, no centering of anything)", "Sure you are|I believe you", Window, SR_NOCENTERTEXT|SR_NOCENTERWINDOW);
SimpleRequest("Please insert volume|Workbench|in any drive.", "Retry|Fail|Cancel|Nuke|Die", Window, SR_NODRAG);
SimpleRequest("This is the default style.|Do you like it?", "Yes|No", Window, 0);
SimpleRequest("And this should have Stacked Gadgets.", "Is he right?|Does it really?|Are these stacked?|Sure looks like it!", Window, 0);
SimpleRequest("Try it with SetFont!", "Okay", Window, 0);